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Weight loss, diet and Pilates

Writer: Deya GavrailovaDeya Gavrailova

Happy March!

I was scorlling on Instagram couple of days ago and I saw so may posts about what I eat in a day, how to get rid of cellulite, cheat day, beofre and after etc.... This is how I got inspired to write this blog. People ask me if I follow a strict food regime, or make a comment like "you can eat whatever you want, you are so skinny and you workout so much". I feel like this really puts pressure on people who are trying to change their bodies/get fitter. Your journey is unique and you can not compare yourself to anyone´s else.

I have never done diets in my life, I eat everything, let me say that again - I eat everything. I try to avoid processed food! I prefer to make from scratch whatever I will eat for breakfast, lunch, diner or snack! You diet should not be torture, or a treat! Your diet should be a lifestyle. I´ve said that before, Pilates is a lifestyle. You get sucked into it in the best way possible. You easily start choosing the healthier option! I don´t believe in one day/week/month transformation, I believe in lifelong transformation.

This is why I don´t like before and after pictures/bodies. It´s not really the result, but the journey that matters, We are unpatient and we want to get quick results.

You have to give your body and your mind time to take it all in and slowly adjust to new routines, workouts, mindsets.

TRUST ME if you are persistant and if you do the work, you will see difference. And maybe it won´t be because you lost weight but because you feel more energy, you are happier, you sleep better, you let go!

Pilates can help with loosing weight when you really learn how to work with your own body in the most effective way. Which can be walking up the stairs, cleaning the house, sitting on the sofa. Pilates will teach you that you have all you need to get fitter, your body has core and you are in charge of it! Transformation comes with that.

Last but not least being part of a community that wants to live healthier lifestyle will make it easier for you. Be around people who make you feel better, stronger and happier! And then you will be that change for someone else!

Thank you for reading me!

Happy day!



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